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all nutrition


    Odżywki i suplementy

    [...] them to be anything more than a waste of good money. The first and most important argument to be made against the use of protein supplementation is the fact that in spite of all the articles published and the innumerable number of bodybuilders, athletes and fitness enthusiasts that consume them religiously, protein supplements are inherently [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 2 Ilość wyświetleń: 4555 Data: 2006-06-26 14:45:50 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • Createston - new edition

    Hi Tec Nutrition & Peak Performance

    [...] acids in the protein component Insulogenic cellular transport modulators Activated steroidal saponins Reduced carbohydrate + fat burner Short Description Createston is an all in one muscle builder, which almost all the important nutrient and building substrates for the maximum and natural strength and muscle in one product. Compared to [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 2 Ilość wyświetleń: 1545 Data: 2012-01-15 16:17:49 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • [...] complex, located at the second step in the BCAA catabolic pathway. The activity of the BCKDH complex is regulated by a phosphorylation/dephosphorylation cycle. Almost all of BCKDH complex in skeletal muscle under normal and resting conditions is in an inactive/phosphorylated state, which may contribute to muscle protein synthesis and [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 13 Ilość wyświetleń: 20000 Data: 2011-05-30 16:52:09 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • TOP 50 w USA - dane za Listopad 2006

    Odżywki i suplementy

    [...] Optimum 100% Whey is still number one, and sales are climbing! Whey protein has been proven to be the best type of protein for building quality muscle fast. Optimum did us all a favor by making a whey protein product that tastes awesome, actually mixes easily, and is cheap enough for everybody to afford. 2. BSN NO-Xplode NO XplodeBSN''s [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 18 Ilość wyświetleń: 7272 Data: 2006-12-14 21:31:31 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • Magnez: kilka ciekawych badań.

    Odżywki i suplementy

    [...] The subjects were separated into three groups, as follows: Group 1 consisted of subjects who did not train receiving 10 mg/kg/d magnesium. Group 2 included subjects equally supplemented with magnesium and exercising 90-120 min/d for 5 d/wk. Group 3 were subject to the same exercise regime but did not receive magnesium supplements. The [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 11 Ilość wyświetleń: 2684 Data: 2010-01-22 11:54:52 Szacuny postu: 4 (cały temat: 0)
  • Seth Feroce - IFBB Pro

    Aktualności - Kulturystyka i Fitness

    [...] Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Height 5'6" Contest Weight 202 lbs. Off-Season Weight 230-235 lbs. PERSONAL FILE As a talented athlete in high school, Seth excelled in both football and wrestling due in part to his extreme work ethic and determination. One year after wrestling season ended, Seth’s father took him to a local gym and changed his world [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 36 Ilość wyświetleń: 20000 Data: 2010-07-06 14:20:16 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • MASA !! coś na zwiększenie apetytu !

    Odżywki i suplementy

    Witam serdecznie mam problem z brakiem apetytu i ogólnie mało jem chciałbym przedstawić parę suplementów co powinny zwiększyć apetyt. 1.Enzymy trawienne SCITEC Multi - Enzyme około 33zł 100tab Opis Multi-Enzyme – to zestaw enzymów wspomagających trawienie i wchłanianie pokarmów. Zawiera pełne spektrum enzymów odpowiedzialnych za trawienie białek, [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 9 Ilość wyświetleń: 3480 Data: 2012-10-21 13:56:56 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • https://images81.fotosik.pl/1020/82e02bb4197a24d4med.jpg Witam wszystkich . Dziękuje za możliwość udziału w teście REDOX EXTREME organizowanym przez SFD oraz ALLNUTRITION Większość bywalców strony SFD oraz grupy na FB w mniejszym lub większym stopniu poznało już moją skromną postać więc są rozeznani w tym co i jak robie , dla tych co [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 391 Ilość wyświetleń: 20000 Data: 2018-03-18 10:55:08 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • 24 tygodniowy plan treningu z suplementacją

    Odżywki i suplementy

    [...] w necie. Czy moglibyście się na ten temat wypowiedzieć. jeśli ktoś będzie chciał to prześle to na priva. 24-Week Bodybuilding Plan Goal - Reach 6%BF and go up 2.5 - 5% in all weight amounts every 1-2 weeks. Training - Weeks 1 - 4: Beginning Training Split: Monday: Cardio - 30 minutes of sprints Tuesday: Workout 1 Wednesday: Rest [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 2 Ilość wyświetleń: 2187 Data: 2003-06-28 11:47:34 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • Witamina C a kortyzol.

    Odżywki i suplementy

    [...] 15 - 18 hrs before the race, immediately post-race, 24 hrs post race and 48 hrs post-race. Twenty-nine runners (VC-1500, n = 12; VC-500, n = 10; P, n = 7) complied with all study requirements. All post-race concentrations were adjusted for plasma volume changes. Analyses of dietary intakes and blood glucose and anti-oxidant status on the day [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 48 Ilość wyświetleń: 18885 Data: 2011-10-10 22:45:58 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)

    Hi Tec Nutrition & Peak Performance

    [...] from Leuzea rhaponticum sp. The effect of these substances on the human body was studied by caliperometric measurements of body folds. All tested substances taken orally for three weeks diminished fat content under conditions of daily aerobic- anaerobic training. Ekdisten and Prime Plus (combination of ekdisten and pure protein) elevated [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 1 Ilość wyświetleń: 1472 Data: 2012-01-05 22:37:26 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • [...] mi powiedzec cos wiecej czy ktos to probowal ?? czy to kolejny shit czy co ?? GET STARRTED ! Whether you want to lose weight, get fit, or just balance your nutrition, it all starts with the foundation of Vi Shape shakes. With a proprietary blend of protein, fibre, and nutrients you can get healthy nutrition, while cutting calories. This [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 1 Ilość wyświetleń: 3169 Data: 2013-09-14 19:13:18 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • ziarno quinoa

    Odżywianie i Odchudzanie

    Oto można u nas dostac w sklepach ze zdrową żywnością bardzo ciekawe zboże. Niestety kg kosztuje ok. 30 zł. Quinoa, a Protein Powerhouse from the Andes Originally grown in the high plains of the Andes Mountains in South America, quinoa (pronounced "keen-wa") was considered the "mother grain" that kept the Incan armies strong and robust. The grain [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 3 Ilość wyświetleń: 3496 Data: 2003-12-29 19:49:24 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • [...] co jak działa - polecam chociażby tą pozostałą merytoryczną część. Spis treści poniżej. A new drug that's 10 times more anabolic (to muscles!) than Long-R3 IGF-1 and totally resistant to liver destruction. Oh, and burns fat almost as well as DNP! Which hormone, when injected, will increase muscle mass by 20% in only 14 days (that means a [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 22 Ilość wyświetleń: 4876 Data: 2004-06-23 14:07:42 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • BCAA - a zmęczenie

    Badania naukowe

    [...] the pre-exercise concentration of plasma free tryptophan was higher than in controls (p < 0.05) but did not change during or after exercise. This might indicate an abnormally high level of brain 5-HT in CFS patients leading to persistent fatigue. In the control group, plasma free tryptophan was increased after maximal exercise (p < 0.001), [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 13 Ilość wyświetleń: 20000 Data: 2011-08-23 05:10:06 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • [...] pre-fight leaping and face slapping. The fighters staring into the distance, bobbing their heads to music only they can hear. Regardless of the preferred technique, they are all seeking the same thing. They are in search of the Superhuman. The reality of superhuman feats of strength and endurance in combat has been known since the age of the [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 2 Ilość wyświetleń: 2787 Data: 2010-03-11 22:04:52 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • wlasne no2...

    Odżywki i suplementy

    [...] because of the expense, i've stayed away. I mean, the cheapest I've been able to find the stuff for is $45, for a one month supply. That's a pure and utter rip-off, especially how it costs them a few bucks on the bottle to produce, probably less because of the bulk they do it in. Well, anywayz I decided to take a look at what the stuff really [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 4 Ilość wyświetleń: 2351 Data: 2003-06-15 13:54:37 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • Arnold Clasic 4-6 marzec 2005

    Aktualności - Sporty Siłowe

    [...] of 366 lbs. Only ten men have ever lifted it overhead. This event takes place Friday from 3pm-4pm on the EXPO main stage. Hummer Deadlift - Contestants will lift a specially designed 14 foot long bar weighted with Hummer tires. A new Hummer tire weighs approx. 100 lbs, and the beginning weight will be approx. 700 lbs. This event takes place [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 32 Ilość wyświetleń: 10853 Data: 2005-03-05 11:41:12 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • All You need to know about the NEW CREASTERON UPGRADE

    Hi Tec Nutrition & Peak Performance

    All You need to know about the NEW CREASTERON UPGRADE Hi Tec Nutrition ma przyjemność przedstawić CREASTERON - nowe wcielenie uznanego i sprawdzonego przez wielu preparatu do po-treningowej suplementacji. Nowy, ulepszony skład maksymalnie przyspiesza regeneracje po-wysiłkową, pobudza wzrost masy mięśniowej (bez grama tłuszczu) i jednocześnie [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 3 Ilość wyświetleń: 2350 Data: 2015-10-09 17:36:32 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)
  • [...] prohormones like lethargy or gyno. Cerberus is anti-estrogenic, non-methylated, anabolic, anti-catabolic, and harnesses the forces of the Heavens and Hell to create in all in one effective and powerhouse Tri-Andro. Cerberus contains Androsterone, Super-Rb DHEA, and Super-19 DHEA, an incredibly synergistic blend formulated by Sparta [...]

    Odpowiedzi: 7 Ilość wyświetleń: 5803 Data: 2016-04-30 12:30:17 Szacuny postu: 0 (cały temat: 0)